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Spring Has (Almost) Sprung: Top 5 Ways to Get Ready for Spring at Work

Workbar Salem Outdoor Deck

Winter is finally (almost) behind us, hopefully for good. As New Englanders, we know it’s a shaky promise at best, but as winter's chill fades away and spring's warmth beckons, it's time to bring a fresh perspective into the workplace. Spring is a season of renewal, growth, and vibrant energy, and what better place to infuse these qualities than your workplace? Whether you're working at home, in an office, or with us at Workbar, here are the top five ways to get ready for spring at work:


Declutter and Organize

Just as you might spring clean your home, take some time to declutter and organize your workspace. Clear out unnecessary papers, files, and clutter that may have accumulated over the winter months. A tidy workspace not only improves productivity but also creates a more inviting environment for creativity to flourish. 


Bring the Outdoors In

Take advantage of the natural beauty of spring by incorporating elements of nature into your workspace. Add some fresh flowers or potted plants to your desk to liven up the space and improve air quality. Natural elements have been shown to reduce stress and increase productivity, making them a welcome addition to any workspace. That’s why at Workbar, our spaces are designed with nature in mind!


Refresh Your Routine

Spring is the perfect time to shake up your routine and try something new. Whether it's experimenting with a different work schedule, incorporating more outdoor breaks into your day, or tackling a new project, embrace the spirit of renewal and take steps to revitalize your work routine. With a Workbar membership, you can access all 12 of our locations across Greater Boston. Try a new location out for a change!


Promote Health and Wellness

With longer days and warmer weather, spring is an ideal time to focus on health and wellness initiatives in the workplace. Consider organizing outdoor walking meetings, providing healthy snacks and refreshments, or offering wellness workshops and activities for employees. A healthy workforce is a happy and productive workforce. Have you taken a look at Workbar Bennies? It’s our membership perks program that’s chock full of health and wellness partners offering discounts to Workbar members. Side note, did you know that Workbar Back Bay was the first WELL Certified coworking space? We take workplace wellness seriously, people! 


Set Goals and Intentions

Spring is a natural time for setting goals and intentions for the months ahead. Take some time to reflect on your professional goals and aspirations and set actionable steps to achieve them. Whether it's advancing in your career, learning new skills, or fostering stronger relationships with colleagues, springtime is ripe with opportunities for growth and development. Keep an eye out for upcoming events at Workbar that will support you in this all-important endeavor. 


Implementing these top five strategies can help you harness the energy of spring to create a more vibrant, productive, and enjoyable work environment. Embrace the season of renewal and watch as your workplace blossoms with creativity, innovation, and success. We know we’ll be doing all five here at Workbar.